Showing posts with label bored. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bored. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2020


The preciousness of blogging aka public journaling.
Was browsing through my blog post, in attempt to decide on which platform is better for blogging while having a late lunch with a friend at sushi restaurant, when I realised how precious, these posts are. 

It's like a widow into what I thought about, struggled through and what made me happy or sad, while trying to navigate the different stages of life. 

It seemed pretty childish at first, but I was a child. It seemed pretty immature then, but really, I was very immature. It seemed pretty petty, but wait a second, I still do get angry and annoyed at those same things. 

Current situation now in Singapore is a cornovirus-filled/feared situation. It such a recent phenonmenon that the word 'cornovirus' is not added into the dictionary and auto correct wants me to change it to 'carnivores'. 

On a serious note, it is a flu virus that is caused by animals (scientists are unsure of which animal is the exact cause and I don't want to point any finger at these poor animals and its zoonotic diseases) that has caused a massive spread of illness and over 1500 deaths, particularly and mainly centred in China. The government here is on high alert and people are just trying to get through the day, without touching anything or trying to cough in any public area. 

Enough of typing and let the pictures do the talking/