Saturday, September 30, 2023

Asha Lemmie, Fifty Words for Rain

 Another book to break my heart and question myself, why did I ever start 

“Her favorite thing about God was that He was the one person she was allowed to ask questions. In fact, this privilege delighted her so much that she hardly even minded that nobody answered her.”

I honestly remembered very little about it but I read it in context, something like it, since I read it in Japan and the book was set in Japan. Ah the book was captivating and I found it both difficult and easy to put it down, depending on the chapter, I suppose. 

The cruelty of what she had to go through and her choice at the end, whatttt, why would she make that choice? I cannot understand why people would willing choose to put themselves in such situation when honestly, I am very certain there would be a better way to do so. 

However, this is not, never was far from reality. I have met people, some close to my heart, who willing puts themselves in such 'brutal' and 'cruel' situation for some greater good, or so they think. However, it's not like in a war or anything, it's primarily because of their beliefs and values, which are, in my opinion, a bit warped. Sometimes, they use the name of God or religion - but my modern mind cannot take it. Why would God want you to be in that situation, that abusive situation? I use the word abuse quite lightly but I believe that abuse is really an umbrella term for many unjust actions that take place in the context of a relationship. Space and boundaries are things that are missing in one's lives. 

I am not spared from this. I struggle with putting boundaries with people, especially people. This year, it was hard to do so, the backlash was great. I am still reeling from it and one of the things that I have needed to do, is to make space and be silent. People need to respect other people. 

During invigilation, I was thinking of some aspects that I would consider negotiable - the thing that surfaced or have risen to the top was respect. I am praying that I meet someone who respects people. 

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