Thursday, April 22, 2021

 The hardest thing about reaching 30 is not knowing what God has planned out for me. 

God reminded me through John 10 that He is my good shepherd. 

He does not need to climb over the fence or sneak in. He can confidently walk into the sheep pen through the gate, which the watchmen will open for Him. Unlike humans who have binocular vision; sheep have a narrow field of binocular vision and a wide peripheral field of monocular vision, hence not having good depth perception. However, most animals and including sheep have a well developed sense of hearing and thus, "the sheep listen to his voice" (verse 10:3b). Also, the shepherd knows His sheep by name and would lead them out. 

I guess in application and through reflection, I have to accept my place as a sheep, with terrible depth perception; perception of the future but have the potential to have good hearing. More importantly, there is a good shepherd who knows me and will lead me as I hear this voice and follow me. 

In to the unknown 

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